1. -\-\-What’s your name? -\-\-My name is Sally. 2. -\-\-Where are you from? -\-\-I’m from China. -\-\-Where do you come from? -\-\-I come from China. 3. -\-\-Where is he/ she from? -\-\-He/She is from Japan. 4. -\-\-What’s this/ that in English? -\-\- It’s a/ an...
TMTPost: Where does your inspiration come from? Bu:All kinds of conversations. Yesterday, a photographer shared his five-day experience in prison with me, and I found it so...
G: Your friend Walter Chase isn't too proud to come in? I gave you…That some thought. T: How does a reputable banker like Walter Chase find himself up to his eyeballs in d...
27.IfIgaveyouanelephant,wherewouldyouhideit? 28.Whyaresodacanstaperedonthetopandbottom? 29.HowmuchRAMdoesaPCneedtorunWindows95? 30.Youareinaboatonafreshwaterlake.Inyourhandisarock.Youthrowtherockintothelake.Howisthelake'swaterlevelaffected?